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Happy New Year 2013

Each moment of our life is very precious but the moment comes in a year has much more precious than on going live. Once again we have an occasion as NEW YEAR 2013 which says me to share the best wishes among my beloved one caused I extend hereby as:

“Nothing is there but some thing is there
Try to have that within and share for community welfare
Bring the happiness within and live light to others
Keep pacing with enlightened and upholding it always.”

Wish you all for a very prosperous and Happy New Year 2013

-Kriyananda Maharshi Dayananda


The dark, chilly atmosphere of a winter morning dawns in South India with the sound of music and chants coming through the air. People wrapped up in woollies rush to the neighbourhood temple where the Utsavar Moorthi is decorated and kept ready to be taken around the streets with everyone joining in the procession participating in the Bhajan singing and reciting sacred texts. Home fronts are decorated with huge kolams with the bright yellow flowers of the pumpkin creeper placed in the middle amidst a dollop of cow dung. People after a bath stand ready with offerings to the deity who will be brought around by devotees on a palanquin carried on shoulders.


Margazhi, the 9th month of the Tamil Calendar, occurs between mid-December and mid-January. The name of the month is derived from the Sanskrit word Margasirsi. The full moon day generally happens on the day when the star, Mrugasirsa rules. This year, Margazhi begins on 17th December, 2008 and ends on January 14, 2008.


This month is dedicated to spiritual activities and no weddings or social events take place. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, where he lists the best of everything where he resides, that he is Margazhi among the 12 months. No wonder that the whole month is dedicated to the divine.


Brahma Muhurtham is the time between 4.00 am to 6.00 am. It is considered to be a good time to do pooja and to practice singing, music, to study and to do Yoga. Throughout the month of Margazhi, the Brahma Muhurtham is especially dedicated to the Devas.


 Both Vaishnavas and Saivas of Hinduism have special rituals based on religious texts and saints who are associated with this period. For Vaishnavas the Tirupaavai Pasurams are rendered in the early morning in all temples and houses. In the Srirangam temple, the Adhyayana Utsavam is held for 21 days. The recitation of the first 1000 verses, the beautiful Tiruvaimozhi by Nammalwar –the  most important part of the four thousand Divya Prabhandam Pasurams in honour of Lord Vishnu/Narayana—takes place during the 10 days prior to Vaikunta Ekadasi. This period is known as ‘Pagal Pathu’. Starting from Vaikunta Ekadasi, for the next ten days, the remaining three thousand verses of the Divya Prabandham are recited. This period is known as ‘Rapathu or Irappathu’. This is performed at many Divya Desam centres including Sri Rangam.


Vaikunta Ekadasi is a very significant celebration in Vishnu temples like Tirupati, Srirangam Sri Ranganatha Temple and at the Bhadrachalam Temple. In Kerala, it is known as Swarga Vathil Ekadashi and this year it will be celebrated on 7th January 2009.


It is usually celebrated in the early hours of the tenth day of the Adhyayana Utsavam. Symbolically, the Swargavasal—the doors to the heavens (a specially designated door in every temple)—are opened in all temples and throngs of people wait in the early hours of the morning to enter the gates and participate in the procession when the ruling deity of each temple is carried around.


Ekadashi, is the eleventh day or Tithi (occurring twice) in the Hindu lunar calendar. Vaikunta Ekadasi’s significance is talked about in the Padma Purana. The Purana tells of Lord Vishnu taking the form of ‘Ekadasi’ – female energy – to kill the demon Muran in the month of Margazhi. Impressed by ‘Ekadasi,’ Lord Vishnu gave her the blessing that whoever worshipped him on this day, would reach ‘Vaikunta’, his heavenly abode.


Like all Ekadasi days, devotees fast on this day. They keep awake the whole night and spend the hours in meditation, prayers and singing Hari Kirtanam. Rice is not eaten on ekadashi days. The belief is that the demon Mura finds refuge in the rice eaten on Ekadasi.


In Srivilliputhur, the home of the saint Andal, her compositions of Thiruppaavai, consisting of 30 verses is performed. Each day one verse is chanted beginning with the ‘Margazhi neerattu’ festival and the ‘pachcha paraputhal’. The final two verses are also chanted in most temples everyday. The presiding deities, Andal and Rengamannar, are offered vegetables and sugarcane. On Bhogi, the final day of the month, a farewell or Piriya Vidai is performed and Sri Andal Neerattu Utsavam is followed by Sri Andal Thirukkalyanam. The same ritual of singing the Thiruppaavai’s is observed in homes as well.


Arudhara Dharshanam   

Arudhra Darshan is the most auspicious day associated with Lord Nataraja. It falls on the full moon day, Poornima in Marghazhi, the longest night of the year. This year it falls on 10th January, 2008. In the Chidambaram Nataraja Temple it marks the conclusion of ten days Margazhi Brahmotsavam and is performed in all Siva temples. Arudhra is the golden red flame and Siva performs in the form of this column of fire.


The cosmic dance of Lord Shiva stands for the five aspects of existence, Creation, Protection, Destruction, Embodiment and Release. This symbolic cosmic dance is what science says that happens in every cell and particle of life, the very source of energy. Arudra Darshanam celebrates the ecstatic cosmic dance of Lord Shiva. The famous Pancha Sabhas, the five cosmic dance halls of Shiva are Hall of Gold—Kanakasabhai at Chidambaram; Hall of Silver—Velli Sabhai at Madurai; Hall of Rubies—Ratnasabhai at Tiruvalankadu; Hall of Copper –Taambarasabha at Tirunelveli; and Hall of Pictures –Chitrasabha at Kutralam.


In the month of Margazhi, Tiruvempaavai the first millennium saint, Manikkavaachakar’s hymns are chanted in the evening, and his image is brought to the shrine of Nataraja. His image is part of Margazhi processions and celebrations in Siva temples all over South India.


The festivals in the Hindu calendar are associated with the weather and the harvest. The cold weather in Markazi with its limited daylight induced torpid tendencies. So it is possible that to shake off the sleepy and lethargic feelings and to motivate early rising and brisk activity, religion and spirituality and the 'Bhakti' margam was used to promote good health and community activities. The concepts of celebrating the gods' last few sleeping hours before they woke up to 'Uttarayana' after the end of  the Dakshinayana kaalam when (the sun travels over the southern hemisphere) was encouraged in devotees.


Other important festivals in this holy month are Hanumantha Jayanti (27-12-08) and the culmination of pilgrimage season at Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple.


Marghazhi is also the grand month for the music season especially in Chennai. The frantic Sabha hopping to listen to music, watch dance and drama performances and listen to religious discourses keeps people completely busy and active.


After a month spent in prayer, religious activities and music a new dawn comes in the form of the month Thai and Pongal launches an auspicious period… "Thai Piranthal Vazhi Pirakkum"; i.e: With the beginning of the month of Thai, a period of prosperity and good tidings will commence.

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Libro La Semilla





El libro LA SEMILLA es es un libro revelador, una herramienta para que las personas despierten a una nueva realidad que ha permanecido oculta en favor de los intereses de unos pocos.

Descubre EL SECRETO que esconde LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN, los principios de la verdadera ESPIRITUALIDAD, la METAFÍSICA DE LA VIDA, la AUTOAYUDA, el CRECIMIENTO PERSONAL, la FÍSICA CUÁNTICA, el PENSAMIENTO POSITIVO, el DESARROLLO PERSONAL y LA SANACIÓN DE las EMOCIONES y TRAUMAS PASADOS... Y haz que tu Mundo active la llegada de una NUEVA ERA donde puedas vivir en PAZ y ARMONÍA lejos del hermetismo y la ignorancia a la que hemos estado sometidos.

"No espere más, porque esperando se nos va la Vida que esperamos... Y no podremos comprar aquello que no tiene precio"

Podemos estar toda la Vida en una noria mientras tropezamos una y otra vez, sin saber por qué. O podemos DESPERTAR a esta nueva REALIDAD, a una nueva CONSCIENCIA

"Naciste con nada y a la vez con todo. Y has de ser feliz con nada, para poder ser feliz con todo"

Muchos maestros espirituales, como BUDA y JESÚS, además de otros grandes seres que han marcado nuestra historia, como el gran MAHATMA GANDHI, LAO-TSE, CONFUCIO o HERMES TRISMEGISTO, intentaron abrirnos los ojos y hacernos VER.

Ponen etiquetas como Pseudociencia, Pseudomísticos, Conspiranoico o Teoría de la Conspiración y hacen campañas en contra de todo aquel o aquello que va en contra de su beneficio, como sucede con las TERAPIAS ALTERNATIVAS.

Todo aquello que intente interferir en su propósito, es eliminado y alienado por su maquinaria de distracción masiva. Todo lo que no les conviene es PSEUDO y CONSPIRACIÓN... O simplemente se encargan de destruir la credibilidad de las personas que van contracorriente, tachándolos de charlatanes o locos.

"No podremos comprender el Todo, si no nos situamos en el Todo"

Puedes leer el libro más vendido de Autoayuda y Crecimiento Personal en Español, un Best-Seller para crecer y encontrar tu equilibrio

Hay escritores magníficos en EL AHORA y que nos acompañaron poco tiempo atrás, que nos ofrecen enseñanzas extraordinarias, como son el caso de Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Ekhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Emilio Carrillo, Jorge Bucay, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coelho, Nassim Haramein, Tony Robbins, Daniel Goleman, Robert Kiyosaky, Viktor Frankl, Robert Fisher, Álex Trías, Fernando Rovira, El Dalai Lama, Louse L. Hay, Suzanne Powell, Robin Sharma, Jack Canfield, Ramón Campayo, Cayetano Arroyo, Nunc, Dan Millman, Bernardo Stamateas, Eduardo Punset, Elsa Punset, Michael Brown, Walter Riso, Gregg Braden, Joe Vitale, Fred Alan Wolf, Lain García Calvo y otros muchos, algunos menos conocidos, pero que te ayudarán a SER FELIZ.

También puedes ver vídeos y audios con noticias y enseñanzas alternativas en canales de Youtube como Mindalia Televisión o La Caja de Pandora y leer revistas como Discovery Salud y Mente Sana que te aportarán sabiduría además de estimular tu propia intuición.




-Construyendo los cimientos

-La ignorancia es el límite de nuestra libertad

-Las religiones

-Energía. Todo lo que existe es energía

-El orden

-2012, el inicio de una nueva Era

-Las civilizaciones antiguas

-El agua

-Los otros

-El sentido de la vida

-La mujer… Lo femenino

-El amor

-Conócete a ti mismo

-El centésimo mono

-Los que manejan el mundo

-El lenguaje de Dios

-Los niños índigos, Cristal y los niños Súper-Psíquicos

-El origen

-Los números, la geometría y los astros

-Fenómeno 11:11

-El último Presente

-El Sueño

-Reflexión. A modo de síntesis

-Un poco de ayuda

-Oración de co-creación





Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres

Libro La Semilla Libros Autoayuda Libros Crecimiento Personal Libros Desarrollo Personal Books Life Coaching Libros Metafísica Books Personal Coaching Libros Espiritualidad Books Motivación Libros Superación Libros Nueva Era, Activismo, Filosofía de Vida Publicación Literaria Conspiración Literatura Meditación Libros Ufología, Astrología, Numerología Ensayo Flor de la Vida Poesía, Escritor Pedro J. Perez, Ensayo, No Ficción, Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres, Consciencia Ensayo Terapias Alternativas Libros Adoctrinamiento, Manipulación Libros Corrupción, Fraude Sistema Financiero The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Books Seed The Book Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres Audiolibro La Semilla Letras del Alma Libro La Semilla Escritor Pedro J. Pérez Pedro J. Pérez Escritor The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Book The Seed Books Seed The Book The Seed The Book Escritor Pedro J. The Seed Book Libro Best Seller Libro La Semilla Ebook Libro La Semilla Youtube Pedro J. Pérez Mafia Farmacéutica, Sistema Esclavista, Amor Libros Autoayuda Amazon Libros Autoayuda Google Play Libros Espiritualidad Libros Cuerpo, Mente, Espíritu Libertad, Paz, Felicidad, Multidimensional, Psicología, Mente, Cuerpo, espíritu, Alma, Self-Help Books The Seed Book