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*12*12*12* {Selected} Activation Transcripts & Mp3s ~ Palace of Peace ~ Michelle Manders




Dear Friends

I have selected all the free activations brought through Michelle Manders from the Palace of Peace



Fire In The Soul Channelling - Mary Magdalene - 17 October 2006
26:6 Expressing the Divine Light of Self - Master Kuthumi - 26 Jun 2008

The Daily Prayer 2012


Can you find a shortcut?






*NEW ADD* 21:12 Solstice & Energy Activation - Kuthumi - 21-12-07
*NEW ADD* 21:12 Ascension Wave - Kuthumi
*NEW ADD* 12:12:12 Universal Solstice - Alchemy of Consciousness - Kuthumi-Agrippa
*NEW ADD* Sirian Initiation with Kuthumi - Feb 2006 - Preparation channelling for Bali Activations

21_12 Summer Solstice 2005 - 21 December 2005
11_11 Master Channelling - 11 Nov 2005 - MP3
8D Body Template - 8 Dec 2005 - MP3
The Light Side of Darkness - Kuthumi-Agrippa

New Earth New Life Channelling - Kuthumi & Mary Magdalene - 29 Sep 07






Rainbow Bridge of Ascension - Kuthumi


Metatronic Ray Activation - Kuthumi - 25 May 2007

5:5:5 Ascension Day Channelling 2005 - Kuthumi - 5 May 2005





Core Fear Channelling & 5 Patterns of Self-Sabotage - 6 Sep 2006


Back for More?

Clearing Contracts - Kuthumi - 13 Jun 2006


I can trade your soul in exchange for some 'xxx'...

  just sign here _________ dear







Journey into the Divinity of your Sacred Signature - Kuthumi






Subconscious Flush Channelling - Kuthumi - 9 Sep 2006









Geez, mon!  We don't have much time...

Kuthumi on Communication - revised and updated July 2012, originally channelled in 2003







Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it! It's too easy!







Guest Book


Sign Here: ________







Archangel Michael & the Blue Flame MP3
Archangel Michael & the Blue Flame PDF


Quantum Accelerator Grid Activation - St Germain - 17 July 2007


Quantum Leap of Faith Channelling - Kuthumi - 29 Feb 2008














your host for this evening will be        the wonderful Michelle Manders!


Time Travel Channelling - Kuthumi - 7 May 2006



Lady Nada - 9D Chakra & 99 Petalled Flower of Love Activation





          Keep looking.

          Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored, & let no one in this kingdom sleep until she's safe at home.



 Healing yourself through your Higher Self - Kuthumi


I Remember






Cosmic DNA 1 & 2 Activation - Kuthumi - 4 Oct 2006




       END SCENE






Sun Chakra Awakening with the Lions - Kuthumi


Cosmic Sun Chakra Alignment - Kuthumi






XII • Changing your drama
Download PDF

XII • Accepting the Beauty of Life
Download PDF

XII • Law of Peace
Download PDF






1440 Desert Masters Gathering - Kuthumi - 13 Apr 2006








  1. Short Solstice Message from Kuthumi-Agrippa 14 Sept 2012
  2. Kuthumi's 7:7 Message - revised & updated in July 2012 - originally in July 2003
  3. 7:7 Key Date Activation Celebration - Lord Kuthumi - July 2012
  4. 21:6 Solstice Channelling 2008 - Kuthumi - 21 June 2008
  5. Easter Message - Resurrection - 9 April 2004
  6. Kuthumi-Agrippa New Energy Portal Grids- 14 Mar 2012
  7. Kuthumi-Agrippa New Energy Portal Grids- 14 Mar 2012 - MP3
  8. Free Sample of Michelle Doing an astrology reading
  9. Palace of Peace Free Launch Webinar Recording - 9 January 2012
  10. Palace of Peace Free Launch Webinar Recording - 9 January 2012 - MP3
  11. Golden Oracle Master Playshop Free Doc





She really does love him, doesn't she?





Charging for Services...
a commonly asked question!
"Giving and Receiving and Charging for Services"
All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders ©
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 24 January 2005

"...Firstly, let us explain that the past two thousand years have been a time of limited consciousness. It has been a time where people have been told what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why to do it.  People were told what they were allowed to do and not allowed to do, and the belief systems created were based on a handful of people’s perceptions and personal belief systems of life.  Therefore, some people decided charging for spiritual services was a no-no. Others decided that manifesting a direct line to Spirit and speaking to God at your own time, when you wanted to and however you wanted to, was absolutely not permitted. This group also decided that certain tools would not be revealed which would result in too much empowerment, therefore, too much knowledge and wisdom which would result in humanity evolving at a rapid rate, meaning power would be removed from them, and their lust consciousness manifested in a system of limited experience such as what you have just come out of.  Many generations are still influenced by these belief systems; however, many of you are working on changing this.

"Let us reiterate at this time that your world is changing rapidly. Therefore, new systems are being implemented in order to support the current system and new energy being experienced, the current new levels of evolution.  Therefore, when one just gives and gives and gives without getting anything in return, there is eventually no more to give. Another vital factor to bear in mind is that you all live in a physical world. There are physical needs that you have. The material world, especially the modern material world, is very different to the way living was two thousand years ago, even five hundred years ago. What one requires in the modern living system is rather large in comparison to past needs. The needs were more simple because life was far more simple; life now is more complex, but the belief system around not receiving for spiritual services is distorted because it results in one becoming depleted. It results in damming up the flow of energy.

"Energy is meant to be used.  A few hundred years ago one could swap cattle or fruit and vegetables. In the modern world bringing cattle, fruit, and vegetables will not put fuel in your car or pay your mortgage, and this is how modern religion needs to become enlightened and see that times have changed. The bartering system does not exist as it did, and it is that bartering system which people still refer back to without realising that is what was utilised at that particular time.  So the modern system of exchange of energy is in the form of money. This currency was created as a means to exchange energy. Money is called currency because it must flow.  Water is full of currents pulling it in different direction. When there is no current, water stagnates and becomes toxic and unfit for consumption.

"It is vital that you look at your own issues around deservability, your belief systems around money, and receiving and giving. Have you been taught to give without measure and never to accept a gift in return? That to take a gift is disrespectful?  Have you been taught that to expect anything in return is bad, or to ask for an exchange of energy in the form of money for something you are able to provide for someone else is unacceptable, especially if it is of a spiritual or healing nature?

"Priests, bishops, all received and still receive payment for their involvement in teaching people about God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church is one of the richest institutions on the planet; they are paid large sums of money and always have been. Many other churches do the same: a collection is made, the congregation donates money so that the preacher has a home, has food, has a motorcar, and most of them live comfortably, most of them, not all of them, depending on where it is that they are preaching.  If you think back in this manner, you will see that that teaching has, in actual fact, been a major contradiction because as much as they were saying you cannot charge for spiritual teachings, it was  and is being done all along..."

"As humanity recognises its spiritual healers, helpers, advisors, etc., in the same way they recognise doctors and other professionals, you will see a major shift in the collective consciousness of humanity because the acceptance of their profession, of what they offer, will be far more freely available. Humanity will be far more giving, and because of them being far more giving, those in that kind of professional line are in a position to give more freely of their time.

"Let us go back to charging for time.  You live in a linear world of time because you have physical and material responsibilities.  You work in time brackets; therefore, your daytime is usually set aside for work time to manifest the financial requirements needed to meet the material responsibilities in your third dimensional living experience. Whether you are a banker or a nurse, a receptionist or a cashier doesn’t matter, you are being paid for the time you are at work and for the skills you can provide..."

The above quote is taken from the channeling, MASTER KUTHUMI, Giving and Receiving and Charging for Services, and is available at the Palace of Peace web site within the "Abundance" course.*  For more information about this subject, this series, as well as this particular channelling, is highly recommended. All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders © ~ Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 24 January 2005. 

Mary Magdalene
The Law of Fair Exchange and Air Gates 128 – 134
All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders ©
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 22 December 2009

"...embrace your power to move beyond the fears which are your greatest obstacle to spiritual growth, especially those based on lack, limitation, and restrictive belief systems...

"It is vital that all understand the importance of all the Cosmic Laws and the reason why we are beginning specifically with the Law of Fair Exchange is because all must realise that everything in the Universe must be balanced, therefore a fair exchange of energy is an essential part of maintaining balance. This law instills a deeper awareness of how you feel and how circumstances change when balance is absent and how it often impacts on one’s self-worth and inhibits the ability to live by the Law of Abundance.

"Now the fair exchange of energy has many dimensions to its essence:  energy continues to move, can never be destroyed, and when there is imbalance in the exchange of energy, the natural law is to bring that energy into balance. This means that you are bound to a person, people, situations, and patterns in all areas of life until the energy has been balanced, until there has been a fair exchange of energy.

"There is no escaping this Cosmic Law for it is the natural order through which energy passes. The fair exchange of energy is not limited to the exchange of money passing hands, it is not limited to how it is that you extend energy to others in giving, it is vital that you understand that you need to have a fair exchange of energy with yourself in relation to certain areas of your life, therefore, if you are overdoing it in any area of your life and other parts of your life’s quadrant is lacking energy those parts, or the part of your life lacking balance will push you and challenge you and bind you to its vibration until you have brought your life into a state of balance.

"There are four areas of life which one must pay attention to – they are you as an individual; it is your home, in other words your family connection; then your relationships; and your career. When these four areas of your life are in balance, the fair exchange of energy creates a harmonious grid along which all energy can flow harmoniously. 

"So to begin with I want all of you to honestly evaluate these four vital aspects of your life and consider where there is an imbalance, where is it that energy is lacking and has created tension, friction, and fragmentation in your life?

"You as an individual have a physical body, your home and family is a physical embodiment of various energies. Your relationship with your partner is another physical embodiment of an aspect of you as is your career or whatever it is that you do in the daytime to pass your time.

"Creativity is related to your career, or your work as such, therefore, if you are one who is either unemployed or retired or is not needing to take up a full-time career, you need to address your creativity, you need to look to what it is that you invest your energy in during your daytime hours. 

"Once you have addressed these four areas of your life, you will have a much better understanding of how it is the dynamics play out to pull your attention to areas where the fair exchange of energy has not been experienced and it is not being expressed. Once you have discovered this it is your duty to prioritise your time so that you can spread energy equally amongst those areas..."

"When individuals demand something for free, when people expect to be given anything for free because they are unemployed, they are disabled, or because their life has not given them opportunities to gather wealth, and expect to be, let me rephrase this, they expect the pity of others and play on those emotions in order to get what they want. So let me tell you now, if you are going to in any way or form whatsoever indulge in or support anyone’s poverty consciousness by giving in and giving something without the fair exchange of energy, know that you are binding your soul to that person, to that situation. 

"I speak not of causes which entails or involves children or the elderly or those who are severely disabled or ill, that is a completely different story for their situation is authentic, they are not consciously manipulating any dynamic of energy to get something for free because they are afraid, or because they are down right lazy and have not taken it upon themselves to truly explore all avenues of life and extend their hand out to the Universe to say please show me ways to be creative and creatively bring that which I need here and now.

"So, precious ones, this Cosmic Law brings an almighty challenge for all of humanity. This is the foundation for all the other laws to come and you must master it even if it is only an aspect at a time, it matters not, what is important is that your understanding of it continues to grow and that you apply it in your life.

"When you exchange energy with another,  not only are you balancing life, but you are honouring the value of that which has been shared with you. You have no right, and it is extremely disrespectful toward your fellow brothers and sisters to demand of them, or expect of them, to give you their energy for nothing, or to question the energy which comes through which they are giving. By this we are meaning perhaps it is a service that is offered and you question the service in terms of the energy exchange that is attached to it. If you are wanting to participate in the service or purchase whatever it is that the person or the people are offering you, then you must be willing to exchange the energy. If there is anything that you are unhappy with, then do not extend your energy out there, and that is just one simple example of millions of different examples that can be used..."


This above excerpt is from the Law of Fair Exchange, which can be found at the Palace of Peace's web site.

Divine Mother's Guided Meditation to receive the Velvety Maroon Red with Copper Gold Ray of Divine Service and Divine Mission ~ Waves of Bliss

Waves of Bliss and PTE Mystery School

Waves of Bliss  

December 2012

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December 2012


We encourage everyone to spread Divine Mother's love and healing to all by distributing this meditation wherever you feel moved to do so. Take it as your responsibility to spread this Light to five other people as your personal act of service.



Dear Friends,

We have come to the last month of the year 2012 and have the great good fortune of traveling together through the 12/12/12 Gateway Portal (see below for the free public channeling on that date) and the much awaited Gateway to the Fifth Dimensional Octave on 12/21/2012; which is also the Winter Solstice {.. .

For our meditation this month, Divine Mother offers us a gift in the form of a Gird of Light where we receive the Velvety Maroon Red and Gold Ray of Divine Service with which to accomplish our Divine purpose, or Divine Mission. Divine Mother encourages us to use this gift for the benefit of all the Children of Light whose future is closely connected to the future of Earth and the future of our destiny on earth.

Portal Days in November: 12/1/12, 12/2/12, 12/10/12, 12/11/12, 12/12/12, 12/18/12, 12/20/12, 12/21/12, 12/22/12, 12/23/12, 12/27/12, 12/29/12.  The Full Moon in December is on 12/28. New Moon is on 12/13.

Happy Landing through the 5D Portal of 12/21/2012 and Happy Winter Solstice and entry into Greater Light.

With much love,



Free Live 12/12/2012 Gateway Portal Channeling will be on Wednesday December 12 at 7:30 PM ET. No registration is required. Please call 1-213-342-3000, access code 199512#.

NOTE: You can benefit from participating even after each event! The audio of Gateway Portal Channelings will be posted within hours of each event. Click here for audios and transcriptions of past Gateway Portal events.

Gateway Portal Channeling



   On Exhibition at the Roil Academy of Fine Atse










Divine Mother’s Guided Meditation to receive the Velvety Maroon Red with Copper Gold Ray of

Divine Service and Divine Mission


Adapted from 11/11/12 Gateway Portal Day Channeling


Grounding Summary


Visualize that you are standing on top of Uluru.  Be aware that everyone that reads this meditation is standing there with you.

  • Feel the rock pulsing around you, and as we dissolve and move through to the Hara Line of Uluru to move towards the center of the earth, visualize you are suspended in the air within a Pillar of Light, before the horse shoe falls at Niagara Falls. Bring in the energies of Niagara Falls, bring in the Water Element.  See Niagara Falls in front of you.  See yourself in the Pillar of Light anchored in the vortex before Niagara Falls, as you slide down to the core of Mother Earth.
  • Take a deep breath and as you are standing in the Core of Mother Earth see the Amber Colored Light all around you.
  • Let it be absorbed into your body and your being and see the Sacred Altar before you and take a moment and set your intentions in this sacred fire at the Core of Mother Earth.
  • Now see the Amber Colored Light that is around you being absorbed into you and send it up your Antahkarana Cord all the way up through the Thrones and see it move all the way up to the Throne of Creation and spread out like the branches and leaves of a tree.
  • Pull the Cosmic Life-Force Energy, the Amber Cosmic Life-Force Energy back down, let it cascade through all the Thrones, and as it does it imbues those Thrones with this Cosmic Life-Force Energy.
  •  It moves all the way down through your Antahkarana Cord to your Crown Chakra, filling your body and your Being, filling the entire Core of Mother Earth with the Cosmic Life-Force Energy – pulsing.
  • As we send the Life-Force Energy of Mother Earth back up the Antahkarana Cord we will spin and spiral together through the Pillar of Light up all the way through the Thrones to the Throne of Absolute.

See yourself standing before the Scared Fire at the Throne of Absolute.

  • See to your right, Divine Mother beaming Copper Gold Light.
  • Great Silent Watcher standing on the other side of the Sacred Altar, towering above everyone, holding her Scepter above this crowd, Turquoise Blue Light pouring everywhere.
  • See Goddess of Victory standing to your left, emanating Golden-Yellow, Platinum and Pewter Colored Lights.
  • To your left Cosmic Mother of the Universe – Vibrant Pink Light.
  • To your right beyond Divine Mother, Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos with her Amber Colored Light.
  • Behind you and behind Goddess of Victory the three Omniversal Mothers are standing. Our Omniversal Mother beaming her Purple Colored Light, Omniversal Mother beaming Ice Blue Aqua Marine Blue Colored Light, the third Omniversal Mother, beaming Clay Red and Gold Colored Light.
  • See around us 144,000 Silent Watchers and 10 Billion Angelic Watchers beaming Turquoise Blue Light.
  • See that all around you is Maroon Red. Every surface around you is a Maroon Red velvet substance. Even the Flames are Maroon Red and even the bottom of the Altar is the same velvety surface in Maroon Red.




My beloved Children of Light I am your very own Divine Mother.

This is an important day; this day is the most important day of the year until the Gateway Portal of 12-12.  Then we will build up the energies until we go through the Portal of 12-21. I ask you to perform this ceremony I am about to give you through this amazing time, from this now moment, and at any point that you join us in the future, moving through the energies into the Portal of 12-12 and through the Portal of 12-20 and 12-21 and then into the New Year.  Even if you join us in ten years from now, you may join us and put your energies in ten years from now by sending your energies to this now moment, because whenever you get to hear this and participate in these exercises you have the chance to travel in time and space and place yourself in the moment and move the energies from that moment to where ever you are, thereby joining us in this wonderful healing ceremony.
Take a deep breath and visualize that Goddess Victory is moving towards the Sacred Altar.  This fire will not burn her hands because it is a Higher Dimensional Sacred Fire.  In the Higher Dimensions, the Fire has the consciousness of not being destructive, but maintaining its transmutational potencies.  Goddess Victory takes some Sacred Ashes out from the bottom of the Altar. The Sacred Ashes have a velvety Maroon Red hue to them.  She stands face to face with me (your very own Divine Mother). She holds her hands out and I lay my hands on hers. I add my Copper Gold Light and it becomes Maroon Red mixed with Gold and it becomes a paste.

I will connect the energies of this Paste to the Sixth Ray. Remember that the color associated with the Sixth Ray, the Ray of Divine Service, is Maroon Red with Gold and Lady Nada is the Patroness of this Ray, the only Ray where a Female Master is in charge.  The color of Sixth Ray and its energy is similar to this paste which is now in the hands of Goddess Victory.  She places her Right hand over your Third Eye and her left hand on the back of your head below your Crown Chakra at the corresponding point to the Third Eye. She rubs the paste on and it feels cool and calming. Feel Goddess Victory’s powerful energies bathing your Third Eye and the back of your head. You might have the feeling of nausea. Breathe and bathe in the energies.

Goddess Victory goes back to the Sacred Altar and returns with a double fistful again. I place my hands over her hands to bathe the Sacred Ashes with the Copper Gold Light and the ashes become a Golden Maroon Red Paste which she now places on your Throat Chakra and on the back of your neck where the Channeling Chakra is located.   Once again a cooling sensation ensues as she pours to your chakras her Personal Signature Energy.

I ask each of you to envision all the Children of Light, your own loved ones, and all the Indigo Souls are receiving this paste in the same way that you are receiving it, directly from Goddess Victory.  I ask you to envision that they too are able to receive and absorb the energies from this gift.  Imagine that their wounds are healed from it.  I ask you to envision that every soul that has crossed paths with you is capable of receiving and absorbing this healing paste.

It is absorbed into your Physical Body Cocoon, Etheric Body Cocoon, Emotional Body Cocoon,  Mental Body Cocoon and Spiritual Body Cocoon. Then the color of the area returns to the color of your own skin, while the energy is absorbed into the Five Body System and further moves into your Light Body.

The significance of this velvety Red Light is that it carries your own Divine Purpose within it.  As the paste is placed on your Chakras and it moves into the Energy Bodies and illumines your Light Body, you are realigned with your Divine Mission. Each time you perform this exercise, think of your loved ones and the Children of Light. They too will be realigned according to their Divine Mission.  This means if they need spiritual teachers, mundane guidance, financial assistance, mental, emotional assistance, or physical assistance, the Universe is obliged to bring it to them and to you and then through you to all others.  Consider yourself an archetype, capable of extending the healing to all the members of the group for whom you represent the image and for whom you are acting and receiving the substance.

Goddess Victory is now bathing your Cosmic Heart front and back.   I have blessed it and it’s rubbed on your Cosmic Heart.  It is fully absorbed into your body, moving through the Five Body System and bathing the Five Body System and cocooning it; then entering into the Light Body and illuminating it.

Goddess Victory now places the Paste on your Personal Heart Chakra, and it gets penetrated from this Chakra into the Physical Body, the Five Body System and from there into the Light Body.  Breathe and Bathe.

Goddess Victory now places it over the front and back of your Seat of the Soul Chakra.  Breathe and bathe and absorb it, allow it to move into the Five Body System, and illuminate the Light Body.

Goddess Victory brings the next pile of the Maroon Red velvety Paste, blessed by your very own Divine Mother and places it over the Solar Plexus, on the front and back of your body.  It is absorbed through your belly button and through the corresponding point on your back; and it releases the dross, the fears, the pain, the feeling of powerlessness.  It brings healing to the entire region, which is your Power Center and it expands to your Five Body System and moves further to illuminate your Light Body.

Goddess Victory now places it over the Sacral Plexus, front and back.  It is absorbed, entered into the Five Body System, and illuminates the Light Body.

For the Root Chakra, she is going to put front and back and below, between your thighs directly over the area that is considered your Root Chakra.  It is absorbed, transferred through the Five Body System, illuminating the Light Body. She then rubs the paste to the front and back of each thigh, knee, calf, ankle, and to top and the bottom of each foot.  You can feel the cooling experience, allow the energies also to be absorbed into your Earth Crust Chakra and pour down your Hara Line to the Core Crystal of Mother Earth. Breathe and Bathe.

Feel the Core Crystal throbbing; the color first turns into this Vibrant Maroon Red mixed with Gold. Then the wave pulse of this Maroon Red with Copper Gold expands from the Core Crystal to the surface of Earth into the Five Body System of the Earth, illuminating the Light Body of Earth.  Envision that every soul from the Indigo Lineage- those who were born since 1972 to present- receive, absorb, digest, process and illuminate the Light.  Lady Nada’s Sixth Ray is Maroon Red with Gold; add Copper Gold to vibrate closely to Divine Mother’s Energies embracing the Sixth Ray of Divine Service.

With this ceremony, this grid, you help the process of awakening and guiding the Indigo Souls and all souls relevant to them. You are the pioneers, the guides, the guardians of those Indigo Souls.  It is your job, your responsibility, your contract, to guide and guard and to help the Indigo Souls.  In September of 2012 we did a ceremony for the awakening of the Indigo Souls.  The process of the awakening has been successful, now it is time for us to help guide them to embrace their Divine Mission.  In the process of awakening they are facing their fears, they are facing the darkness, they are becoming aware of things they were not aware of before.  By offering them this paste which carries the Energies of Divine Service, the Power of Goddess Victory, and the Love of Divine Mother, we cocoon them in protection and we guide them to accomplish their Divine Service.

I ask you to repeat this exercise daily for at least 9 days and preferably for 33 days.  After nine days you don’t have to continue to visualize Goddess Victory and Divine Mother blessing and placing the paste on your Chakras because it would already be there, your Five Body System will be illuminated and your Light Body fully lit with the impact of this Maroon Red Light, the Light of Divine Service.  Then all you need to do is to reinforce it in your Body, 5 Body System, Light Body and then send it to the Core of the Earth and let the Earth pulse, sending it to its Five Body System and illuminating the Five Body System of every Indigo Soul, every new born soul, and every soul who is relevant to this work.  Any soul who is already awake or awakening is relevant.

It is perfectly fine for you to pray and offer the awakening of the souls who have not yet awakened.  The Maroon Red with Copper Gold Light which embodies the Ray of Divine Service is the perfect embodiment of Divine Light, the Light of Divine Service, and most appropriate for this time, as we move to the energies of the Portal of 12-12 and further the Portal entry into the official gateway of the Fifth Dimensional Octave on 12-20 thru 12-22.

We do have a lot of work to do but remember that together we have accomplished a great deal.  I hold each of you in my own heart and I thank you for all that you do.

I AM your very own Divine Mother with great love.  So It Is.

© FAGU 2012


Waves of Bliss & PTE Mystery School | 64 Beaver St. | Suite 335 | New York | NY | 10004
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Libro La Semilla





El libro LA SEMILLA es es un libro revelador, una herramienta para que las personas despierten a una nueva realidad que ha permanecido oculta en favor de los intereses de unos pocos.

Descubre EL SECRETO que esconde LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN, los principios de la verdadera ESPIRITUALIDAD, la METAFÍSICA DE LA VIDA, la AUTOAYUDA, el CRECIMIENTO PERSONAL, la FÍSICA CUÁNTICA, el PENSAMIENTO POSITIVO, el DESARROLLO PERSONAL y LA SANACIÓN DE las EMOCIONES y TRAUMAS PASADOS... Y haz que tu Mundo active la llegada de una NUEVA ERA donde puedas vivir en PAZ y ARMONÍA lejos del hermetismo y la ignorancia a la que hemos estado sometidos.

"No espere más, porque esperando se nos va la Vida que esperamos... Y no podremos comprar aquello que no tiene precio"

Podemos estar toda la Vida en una noria mientras tropezamos una y otra vez, sin saber por qué. O podemos DESPERTAR a esta nueva REALIDAD, a una nueva CONSCIENCIA

"Naciste con nada y a la vez con todo. Y has de ser feliz con nada, para poder ser feliz con todo"

Muchos maestros espirituales, como BUDA y JESÚS, además de otros grandes seres que han marcado nuestra historia, como el gran MAHATMA GANDHI, LAO-TSE, CONFUCIO o HERMES TRISMEGISTO, intentaron abrirnos los ojos y hacernos VER.

Ponen etiquetas como Pseudociencia, Pseudomísticos, Conspiranoico o Teoría de la Conspiración y hacen campañas en contra de todo aquel o aquello que va en contra de su beneficio, como sucede con las TERAPIAS ALTERNATIVAS.

Todo aquello que intente interferir en su propósito, es eliminado y alienado por su maquinaria de distracción masiva. Todo lo que no les conviene es PSEUDO y CONSPIRACIÓN... O simplemente se encargan de destruir la credibilidad de las personas que van contracorriente, tachándolos de charlatanes o locos.

"No podremos comprender el Todo, si no nos situamos en el Todo"

Puedes leer el libro más vendido de Autoayuda y Crecimiento Personal en Español, un Best-Seller para crecer y encontrar tu equilibrio

Hay escritores magníficos en EL AHORA y que nos acompañaron poco tiempo atrás, que nos ofrecen enseñanzas extraordinarias, como son el caso de Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Ekhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Emilio Carrillo, Jorge Bucay, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coelho, Nassim Haramein, Tony Robbins, Daniel Goleman, Robert Kiyosaky, Viktor Frankl, Robert Fisher, Álex Trías, Fernando Rovira, El Dalai Lama, Louse L. Hay, Suzanne Powell, Robin Sharma, Jack Canfield, Ramón Campayo, Cayetano Arroyo, Nunc, Dan Millman, Bernardo Stamateas, Eduardo Punset, Elsa Punset, Michael Brown, Walter Riso, Gregg Braden, Joe Vitale, Fred Alan Wolf, Lain García Calvo y otros muchos, algunos menos conocidos, pero que te ayudarán a SER FELIZ.

También puedes ver vídeos y audios con noticias y enseñanzas alternativas en canales de Youtube como Mindalia Televisión o La Caja de Pandora y leer revistas como Discovery Salud y Mente Sana que te aportarán sabiduría además de estimular tu propia intuición.




-Construyendo los cimientos

-La ignorancia es el límite de nuestra libertad

-Las religiones

-Energía. Todo lo que existe es energía

-El orden

-2012, el inicio de una nueva Era

-Las civilizaciones antiguas

-El agua

-Los otros

-El sentido de la vida

-La mujer… Lo femenino

-El amor

-Conócete a ti mismo

-El centésimo mono

-Los que manejan el mundo

-El lenguaje de Dios

-Los niños índigos, Cristal y los niños Súper-Psíquicos

-El origen

-Los números, la geometría y los astros

-Fenómeno 11:11

-El último Presente

-El Sueño

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Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres

Libro La Semilla Libros Autoayuda Libros Crecimiento Personal Libros Desarrollo Personal Books Life Coaching Libros Metafísica Books Personal Coaching Libros Espiritualidad Books Motivación Libros Superación Libros Nueva Era, Activismo, Filosofía de Vida Publicación Literaria Conspiración Literatura Meditación Libros Ufología, Astrología, Numerología Ensayo Flor de la Vida Poesía, Escritor Pedro J. Perez, Ensayo, No Ficción, Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres, Consciencia Ensayo Terapias Alternativas Libros Adoctrinamiento, Manipulación Libros Corrupción, Fraude Sistema Financiero The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Books Seed The Book Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres Audiolibro La Semilla Letras del Alma Libro La Semilla Escritor Pedro J. Pérez Pedro J. Pérez Escritor The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Book The Seed Books Seed The Book The Seed The Book Escritor Pedro J. The Seed Book Libro Best Seller Libro La Semilla Ebook Libro La Semilla Youtube Pedro J. Pérez Mafia Farmacéutica, Sistema Esclavista, Amor Libros Autoayuda Amazon Libros Autoayuda Google Play Libros Espiritualidad Libros Cuerpo, Mente, Espíritu Libertad, Paz, Felicidad, Multidimensional, Psicología, Mente, Cuerpo, espíritu, Alma, Self-Help Books The Seed Book