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Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: revmccoy
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:46 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

what size wire is that it looks big?

Thoughts become things. Watch what you wish for.

Miscellaneous :: The Sandy Hook Hook

Author: emlong
Subject: The Sandy Hook Hook
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:30 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 0

I am starting an appended link to the original Sandy Hook thread because things are getting interesting enough to keep on with this idea in threads that have not become so lengthy that they take an inordinate amount of time to load for people with dial up connections. I may also start a separate thread on Brendan Hunt's continuing analysis of what happened "on the ground" at Sandy Hook. This is all fascinating for orgoniteers because it gives us yet more insight into what aspects of these secret ops including the chemtrail op may be "revelation of method."

Sandy Hook, Dark Knight Rises, Aurora, Skull&Bones
by Jon Rappoport
December 18, 2012

The confirmed discovery that at 1hr:58 of the Dark Knight Rises, Commissioner Gordon is pointing to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map of the Gotham area has caused a storm of interest.

As it should—since 27 people were just killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, and in the Dark Knight film, “Sandy Hook” is indicated as a target for attack.

Unless, of course, one wants to believe this is merely a boggling coincidence, one that accidentally ties the Batman theater massacre to the Connecticut school massacre.

In that case, add to the list of coincidences the fact that Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games, in which 23 children are ritually sacrificed in arena competition, lives in Newtown/Sandy Hook, and in real life someone(s) just killed 20 children in the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

This is the familiar “Joker” mode of secret societies, in which little foreshadowing clues are placed in significant places. Michael Hoffman, author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, comments on “The Method”: “…a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim[s] as a show of power and macabre arrogance…performed in a veiled manner accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words…They brag to us about what they’ve gotten away with…”

It’s also a coincidence that the east coast of America sustained horrendous damage from a storm called Sandy recently.

It’s also a coincidence that an island called Sandy, New Caledonia, had been located on many maps until 2012, when an Australian surveyor ship concluded that it had never existed, and it was promptly disappeared from authoritative maps of the area. “Destroyed.”

Then there is the coincidence involving the Aurora theater, just before the massacre there this summer, when during film trailers, before The Dark Knight Rises premiered, a preview of Skyfall was shown, and on a building appeared, in red letters, “Aurora.”
The Matrix Revealed
More Dark Knight Rises coincidence: the studio sent out a promotional package before the film premiered this summer. An included map clearly showed Sandy Hook, within, or just south of, “Strike Zone 1,” where an attack would be launched. (Click through to enter site.)


More coincidence: there is a book called “The Dark Knight Manual.” In the book, there is a map as well. But on this map, at the very bottom, Sandy Hook is “South Hinkley.” (Click to enlarge.)


Does that name Hinkley ring a bell?

Just another coincidence that John Hinckley is the person convicted of attempting to assassinate President Reagan on March 30, 1981.

Hinckley—former psychiatric patient, drugged, and, some say, operated on with mind control techniques to set him up as the patsy in the attempt on Reagan’s life.

Hinckley—son of an oil man who was George Bush the Elder’s big-time presidential supporter. John Hinckley’s brother Scott had a dinner booked at Neil Bush’s house the day after the Reagan assassination attempt. Scott had to cancel.

Obsessed with yet another film, Taxi Driver, and its child star, Jody Foster, young Hinckley, according to received wisdom, planned the attack on Reagan to impress Foster—whom he had stalked, going so far as to take a writing class at Yale, where Foster was matriculating.

What and who is at Yale in New Haven, a few miles from Newtown? Historically, exactly the kind of men who, bent on controlling America, engaged in occult rituals, taking blood oaths. Secret society men. Diabolical Skull&Bones men who, for example, supported the Nazi war machine and Hitler, who in turn slaughtered millions. Nazi financiers like Prescott Bush of the Bush-family Skull&Bones members.

But all these things are coincidences and accidents, and there is absolutely nothing to see or think about or connect.

No pieces of this connect at all.


Ask any android. He’ll tell you. “Nothing to see, keep moving, eyes straight ahead.”

Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com
If you shop through Amazon, then consider supporting Jon’s work by accepting Jon’s Amazon cookie by clicking on Jon’s Amazon referral link

Being is the great explainer.

H.D. Thoreau

Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: Ruth
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:28 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

WOW! This feels like a laser. In-freaking-credible.


Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: freeunderthevioletsky
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:15 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

Thanks for the link. Smile

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Those who can't create...manipulate.

Miscellaneous :: Archons

Author: diogenes
Subject: Archons
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:13 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 0

Fellow warriors, I have recently been studying Gnosticism, initaially as a way to reconcile Christianity and Buddhism. The Gnostics speak of the Archons and there are amazing parrallels between the ancient descriptions of the Archons and Demons, ETs, reptilians, etc. There is a great talk by John Lash about Archons on YouTube. I was just wondering if any of you have studied this, or have had actual experience with the Archons?

Om Anale Visade Vira Vajra Dhare Bandha Bandhani Vajra Pani Phat Hum Trum Phat Svaha - Shurangama Heart Mantra

Miscellaneous :: RE: The Sandy Hook

Author: Sensei
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:11 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 70

Serious gun inconsistencies.



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Miscellaneous :: RE: The Sandy Hook

Author: emlong
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:09 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 70

You seem to be entirely forgetting the point here. Any crowd of ritualistic sickos can appropriate imagery to inspire its deeds. They do it all the time. If the Sandy Hook massacre was a psyop and it now looks very much like it was then part of the fun for these people is appropriating imagery to tag the op. The director of the Lingerie Massacre may not have a clue about who is using his stuff for what purposes. He could also be lying. I can guarantee you he would not admit to being the house porn film man for a bunch of satanists. By the way, do you think that director is into making films like that for just fun and games? I think we can be somewhat certain that this dude is a twisted dude and probably runs with twisted people - people say twisted enough to be part of a psyop like Sandy Hook. the people hired for ops like this are psychopaths, and the people paying for their services are psychopaths. Don't be expecting any of them to be very forthcoming about whatthey are up to. in a court of law if one was interrogating witnesses and a witness says,
"No, no your honor. I had nothing to do with it." Believe it or not neither the judge nor the jury would accept that at face value.
The inclusion of both "Sandy Hook" (also known as Hinckley Square in the original Dark Knight story line - get it?) and "Aurora" in the Dark Knight Rises imagery pretty clearly points to a web of connections engaged in a limited hang out or "revelation of method," but you must realize that the directors and writers may just be innocent bystanders to some extent, or it may be that the perps are part of the sideline of the the script's direction inputting little things in here and there beneath the notice of the director. A careful student of the op pays minute attention to these details because the that is what the perps do too.


Here is another excellent break down of the "coincidences" surrounding the movie.

Being is the great explainer.

H.D. Thoreau

Places That Deserve Special Attention :: RE: We're wrong,They're POLAR STREAKS not Chem Trails

Author: emlong
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:54 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 5

Any meteorologist trying to spread this bull knows better and is probably a hired shill.

Being is the great explainer.

H.D. Thoreau

Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: emlong
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:48 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

Awesome wrap - that thing is a tower of power for sure.
Some info about lab grown "Siberian blue quartz." It is one of the few lab grown quartzes to have very good energy. These are grown in "bombs' under high pressure just as with the naturally created quartz and have the quartz lattice. They are not blue glass:


Being is the great explainer.

H.D. Thoreau

Questions and Answers :: RE: Stuff for Getting resin off of hands and objects?

Author: emlong
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:39 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 3

The latex "exam" gloves by the boxful are very useful because there is more "feel" with them, but they fit so snugly that the hands will perspire heavily. They are cheap enough to just toss away after every pour.


I must wear these gloves now since resin causes me a lot of pain the instant it gets under my fingernails.

One thing that sort of helps with any synthetic resin on the skin is vegetable oil followed by soap. The oil will to some extent disaggregate the resin enough for the soap to carry it away with the oil, but really the best thing is to wear gloves in the first place.

Being is the great explainer.

H.D. Thoreau

Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: freeunderthevioletsky
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:34 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

How do you find lab grown quartz works compared to natural quartz? Does it have mineral veils? A deva? Does it transform differently?

Why is it blue?

Warning! Orgone transformers have no known effect on the conventional component of a signal. Shield yourselves accordingly. PM for free shielding tip sheet.

Those who can't create...manipulate.

Questions and Answers :: RE: Anyone Else Experiencing This?

Author: emlong
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:33 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 12

Thanks NH. I knew we would get a detailed technical report from you. If the sparkies out there are noticing something unusual then there is probably something unusual happening.

Being is the great explainer.

H.D. Thoreau

Places That Deserve Special Attention :: RE: We're wrong,They're POLAR STREAKS not Chem Trails

Author: freeunderthevioletsky
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:29 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 5

Weather has existed for a long time. But new terms keep cropping up for me! For instance, the Derecho. And now the Polar Streak. I have to think pretty hard. Dementia can set in from all this aluminum and barium landing on me. Maybe that's why I can't remember these terms from middle school earth science.

Warning! Orgone transformers have no known effect on the conventional component of a signal. Shield yourselves accordingly. PM for free shielding tip sheet.

Those who can't create...manipulate.

Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: Sensei
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:29 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

Yes, four sides.

Strange characteristic of lab grown quartz.

Pure, crystalline, SiO2 .


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Orgonite Device Construction :: RE: Blue Quartz Succor Punch

Author: nte
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:16 pm (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 7

Wow! Is it four sided? Awesome wrap.

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-La ignorancia es el límite de nuestra libertad

-Las religiones

-Energía. Todo lo que existe es energía

-El orden

-2012, el inicio de una nueva Era

-Las civilizaciones antiguas

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-Los niños índigos, Cristal y los niños Súper-Psíquicos

-El origen

-Los números, la geometría y los astros

-Fenómeno 11:11

-El último Presente

-El Sueño

-Reflexión. A modo de síntesis

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